About JARTA’s Training Theory

Qualitative and quantitative changes in training

One of JARTA’s unique characteristics is its training theory. Not only do we focus on “training quantity” which we see in various forms of muscular training in the majority of today’s sports training programs, but we also place tremendous importance on “training quality” of the physical functions and movements. With comprehensive and integrated training programs satisfying all elements essential to sports, JARTA’s training program will greatly improve athletic performance.
In particular, we place emphasis on the fact that the foundation of our training theory is based on martial arts. Especially in the areas of balance, power, intention of movement, and contact, we find that martial arts is far superior compared to other sports.
Being Japanese in origin, martial arts has been passed down through many generations. We believe that applying this concept uniquely Japanese to reach ever higher levels of performance is an extremely effective way to assist all athletes and sports teams.